Lowflo utilise experienced and reputable Engineers to undertake a successful repair of your underground leaks. Taking your business, traffic & general public in to consideration Lowflo’s repair crews are professional and highly efficient.All surrounding areas to the excavation can be protected with sheeting & barriers. Full reinstatement is done once the repair is completed and tested. As part of our repair service, Lowflo can undertake complete pipe replacements, or the installation of new mains or services.


With Lowflo’s extensive experience our plumbers can lift flooring, excavate and completely repair the leak. Then get your system back up and running.

All waste material from the excavation would be removed from site.Once the leak has been located Lowflo’s extensive plumbing experience means that we lift flooring, excavate and completely repair the leak.

We Guarantee you will speak with one of our Engineers within 5 minutes.

Why Choose Lowflo?

Best Reasons why you should choose Lowflo for your Water Management and Leak Detection.